aerial view of the Amazon river

Current Issue

Agriculture and the Rural Environment

Winter 2024 | Volume XXIII, Number 2

Cover image by Leslie Searles

Table of Contents

Editor’s Letter →

by June Carolyn Erlick

Facing the Challenges of Globalization

Territories and Agroecologies: Diversity in a Time of Transition

Territories and Agroecologies: Diversity in a Time of Transition

As professors who are passionate about the field of agroecology, we’ve witnessed in the last three decades a new emphasis in agricultural studies on the intrinsic link with nature. The approach in farming that emphasized production of one-crop yields without taking other factors into account led to a devaluation of the impact of agriculture on the degradation of freshwater, soil and the health of producers and workers.

From Açai to Quinoa

Empowering Small-Scale Farmers

Water, Wetlands and Climate Change

Pesticides and Other Pollutants

Slow-Release Arsenic

Slow-Release Arsenic

Arsenic is a geological and historical fact in Mexico and much of the Americas. As early as 1896, cotton planters used arsenic to kill cotton pests in Costa Chica, Guerrero in Mexico, (La Tierra, 1896).

Book Reviews

A Review of Los Niños del Amazonas: 40 Días Perdidos en la Selva

A Review of Los Niños del Amazonas: 40 Días Perdidos en la Selva

Los niños del Amazonas. 40 días perdidos en la selva is the first true book by Colombian journalist Daniel Coronell, whose long and impressive career speaks for itself: news director of manifold networks; recipient of prestigious recognitions such as Emmys, Peabodys and Simón Bolívar prizes; and arguably the most widely read columnist in Colombia, where he is as much admired as he is feared.

A Review of When Misfortune Becomes Injustice

A Review of When Misfortune Becomes Injustice

Taking care of patients in rural Haiti or in southwest Uganda, say, who are sick from diseases long since vanquished from the United States, in communities that did not get much access to Covid-19 vaccines when they were most critical, a healthcare practitioner might easily fall into despair.

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